Hi, I’m Tom!
I am a composer from Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.
It all started with my first midi keyboard from my grandmother – and with the first orchestra libraries that I played in my room in the attic of my parents‘ house all night long.
Today, over 10 years later, I still love composing great film music and listening to film music. Because we all know that without their special music, these films would never have been as successful as they are today.
Nowadays I listen to a lot of solid music in films. dramatic chases, gentle, slow passages with an emotional note, but – I lack goose bumps on my skin. While listening to these tracks, I miss the feeling of invulnerability, the endless possibilities, just the feeling of being in another world!
I promised myself to change that, and so every time I finish a composition, this one question comes to mind: will the audience remember my track after watching and listening?
With that said, I hope you enjoy my compositions and feel like mentioned above while listening:
To be in another world where everything is possible!

+49 176 43209865
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